Technological innovation

We use, develop and incorporate technological solutions that enable us to respond successfully, securely and quickly to the needs of our clients.

These modern systems enable us to release imported air freight to the importer in an average of four hours after the aircraft lands, and attend up to 35 aircraft at the same time at Lima's Jorge Chavez International Airport, among other achievements deriving from our continual implementation of new technology.

  • SIATA:
    The Integral Aircraft Service System is a modern solution for planning, programming and controlling the operations of our client airlines, enabling the optimisation of the processes and resources required by each flight in real time.

    This system was awarded the Business Creativity 2010 award by the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas, in the “Intermediate Products and Services” category.
  • PCO:
    Operations Programming and Control System for imports and exports. This provides real-time controls over the warehousing process through the use of tachometers, indicators and other aids to speedy decision taking.
  • Hermes:
    A world-class system for real-time management of air freight. Enables robust and standardised management of cargo flows, as well as electronic messaging as part of the e-freight initiative for integration with our clients' systems.
  • TalmaNet:
    An extranet designed to enable clients to track their cargo and obtain documents on-line.
  • MATEO:
    The Electronic Operations Service Module enables clients to interact with our systems to obtain the status of their cargo, ask for services and carry out simulations, among other queries, through a self-service module.
  • Customs Information Management System:
    This system is part of our Hermes platform and provides electronic transmission of information to Customs and issue of documents such as flight reports, damage and immobilisation reports for our clients, among others.
  • SAP:
    A world-class business resources - ERP planning system for the management of financial, controlling, logistics and materials, as well as plant maintenance processes, enabling our back office to provide better support for the organisation.
  • CRM:
    The CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is a platform that lets us manage commercial activities and thus offer personalised services to our clients.
  • Hyperion:
    A solution that speeds up budget drafting and monitors spending, thus facilitating the taking of financial decisions.
  • Business Intelligence Talma – Bital:
    A platform for making use of operational and financial information.




